نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
نویسنده: Yasser Sedaghat
موارد یافت شده: 52
1 - Fanout-Based Reliability Model for SER Estimation in Combinational Circuits (چکیده)2 - An automated framework for selectively tolerating SDC errors based on rigorous instruction-level vulnerability assessment (چکیده)
3 - An Effective Fanout-Based Method for Improving Error Propagation Probability Estimation in Combinational Circuits (چکیده)
4 - BiGResi: Robust bit-level fault injection framework for assessing intrinsic software resilience against soft errors (چکیده)
5 - Improving Fault Tolerance of LoRaWAN With Predicting Packet Collision (چکیده)
6 - CAFI: A Configurable location-Aware Fault Injection technique for software reliability assessment against soft errors (چکیده)
7 - Real-Timeness Improvement of CAN-based Industrial Networks Based on Criticality Level (چکیده)
8 - Software-based Control-Flow Error Detection with Hardware Performance Counters in ARM Processors (چکیده)
9 - GCFI: A High Accurate Compiler-based Fault Injection for Transient Hardware Faults (چکیده)
10 - GAP: Fault tolerance Improvement of Convolutional Neural Networks through GAN-aided Pruning (چکیده)
11 - MRMC-CAN: A Method to Improve Real-Timeness and Response Time of CAN (چکیده)
12 - Estimation of hardware task reliability on partially reconfigurable FPGAs (چکیده)
13 - Critical Packet Loss Improvement in the AFDX Communication Protocol (چکیده)
14 - Improving the Security and Reliability of Embedded Networks With TTMAC-CAN (چکیده)
15 - Improving the Fault Tolerance and Efficiency of CAN Communication Networks Based on Bus Redundancy (چکیده)
16 - Exact and efficient reliability and performance optimization of synchronous task graphs (چکیده)
17 - Task replication to improve the reliability of running workflows on the cloud (چکیده)
18 - Scheduling Mixed-criticality Systems on Reconfigurable Platforms (چکیده)
19 - LDSFI: a Lightweight Dynamic Software-based Fault Injection (چکیده)
20 - روشی جدید در پایش و شناسایی خطا در سیستم کنترل و اتوماسیون مبتنی بر یادگیری تقویتی و شبکه عصبی (چکیده)
21 - Cost-driven workflow scheduling on the cloud with deadline and reliability constraints (چکیده)
22 - Hybrid scheduling to enhance reliability of real-time tasks running on reconfigurable devices (چکیده)
23 - A State-aware Approach for Robustness Testing of Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems (چکیده)
24 - زمانبندی آگاه از انرژی مصرفی برای سیستمهای بیدرنگ تکپردازندهای بحرانی-مختلط (چکیده)
25 - A decomposition-based reliability and makespan optimization technique for hardware task graphs (چکیده)
26 - Pre-Training of an Artificial Neural Network for Software Fault Prediction (چکیده)
27 - A Performance Counter-based Control Flow Checking Technique for Multi-core Processors (چکیده)
28 - Safety Verification of Rate-Monotonic Least-Splitting Real-Time Scheduler on Multiprocessor System (چکیده)
29 - Reliability and Makespan Optimization of Hardware Task Graphs in Partially Reconfigurable Platforms (چکیده)
30 - A simple token-based algorithm for the mutual exclusion problem in distributed systems (چکیده)
31 - Reliability Improvement of Hardware Task Graphs via Configuration Early Fetch (چکیده)
32 - Improving Stateful Robustness Testing of Embedded Real-Time Operating System (چکیده)
33 - Masking wrong-successor Control Flow Errors employing data redundancy (چکیده)
34 - A hybrid-based error detection technique for PLC-based Industrial Control Systems (چکیده)
35 - A Software-Based Error Detection Technique for Monitoring the Program Execution of RTUs in SCADA (چکیده)
36 - A Diskless Chekpointing Approach for Failure Recovery in Multiprocessor Safety-Critical Embedded Systems (چکیده)
37 - LTS: Linear Task Scheduling on Multiprocessor Through Equation of the Line (چکیده)
38 - معرفی و تحلیل ابزارهای نرمافزاری تزریق اشکال قابل استفاده در صنایع هوافضا (چکیده)
39 - طراحی روشی برای افزودن امکان تشخیص خطا در رأیگیرندههای نرمافزاری برای سیستمهای نهفته بحرانی-ایمن (چکیده)
40 - بررسی روشهای نرمافزاری وارسی روند کنترلی در سیستمهای نهفته بحرانی-ایمن (چکیده)
41 - Scheduling Periodic Real-Time Hardware Tasks on Dynamic Partial Reconfigurable Devices Subject to Fault Tolerance (چکیده)
42 - A Super Scheduler Model for Hierarchical Real-Time Systems with Capability of Urgent Tasks Scheduling (چکیده)
43 - A Confidence-based Software Voter for Safety-Critical Systems (چکیده)
44 - An Overview of Fault Tolerance Techniques for Real-Time Operating Systems (چکیده)
45 - A Software-Based Error Detection Technique Using Encoded Signatures (چکیده)
46 - Investigation and Reduction of Fault Sensitivity in the FlexRay Communication Controller Registers (چکیده)
47 - تحلیل و ارزیابی تحمل پذیری اشکال محافظ گذرگاه مرکزی قرداد ارتباطی FlexRey در سیستم کنترل الکترونیکی خودروهای مدرن امروزی (چکیده)
48 - Categorizing and Analysis of Activated Faults in the FlexRay Communication Controller Registers (چکیده)
49 - A Low-Cost Fault-Tolerant Technique for Carry Look-Ahead Adder (چکیده)
50 - A Low-Cost On-Line Monitoring Mechanism for the FlexRay Communication Protocol (چکیده)
51 - An FSM-based monitoring technique to differentiate between follow-up and original errors in safety-critical distributed embedded systems (چکیده)
52 - Classification of Activated Faults in the FlexRay-Based Networks (چکیده)